The Archangel Jophiel (“Beauty of God”) is also known as Iophiel, Iofiel, Jofiel, Yofiel (“Divine Beauty”), Youfiel and Zophiel (“My Rock is God”).

Jophiel is said in Jewish lore to be a companion to the Angel Metatron (a Prince of Divine Presence), and is one of the chiefs of the choir of Cherubim.

If he is a Cherub or a Throne then he is also a “prince of heaven” found in Jewish law and is a caretaker of the seven heavens and the angelic choirs. Iofiel is listed as a prince of the Torah (Divine Law) and equal to Yefefiah.

Jophiel and Zadkiel both assist Michael in battle. He may also be “the angel prince of the Torah who is credited with having taught Moses the cabalistic mystery. In Aramaic incantations he is considered to be a great archangel.” He is included as an Archangel in several listings including that of the early medieval theologian pseudo-Dionysus.

Archangel Jophiel