Join our Healing with your Angels workshop!

Your Angels hold you in complete health and wholeness whenever you are in contact with them. They amplify and strengthen your own inner wisdom for vitality and happiness.

Ask An Angel’s Healing with your Angels workshop will be an extraordinary experience for you! Angels help you understand and release the underlying reasons for illness and negativity by guiding you back to your source of unconditional love and creative power.

healing with your angels workshop

Let your Angels help you:

Understand Soul Contracts & Agreements and how Angels determine your level of energy and health.

Update ‘Celluar Memory’ programs to replace illness patterns with the wholeness and vitality patterns from your original Soul Blueprint.

Transform thoughts and beliefs that constrain you into powerful, positive expressions for Soul Purpose that refresh and replenish you.

Increase your Healership Abilities

Your Angels will guide you to expand and increase your inherit abilities to heal yourself and others. We all have gifts of healing within us and your Angels will awaken and clarify your natural abilities.

If you’d like more information, please contact us or schedule Christopher for an event today! You can also join Ask An Angel’s thriving Facebook community here or follow Ask An Angel’s official Twitter account here.