Making Your Best Decisions

This page is about Ask An Angel’s workshop called The Power of Intuition.

intuition angel askanangel

How to work with your Angels to strengthen your Chakras & Intuition

Wouldn’t you like to know what to do next? In this class, we’ll work to open and clear your intuitive abilities to give you more confidence in your intuition.

Do you ever feel that you are not on the best course to make your dreams come true?

You may try to continue to solve it mentally and then find yourself just getting more confused. That “nagging sense” that thinking does not resolve is trying to tell you that something beyond thinking is called for. You will get the right answer through listening to your intuition at times like this – often a very different answer than you can find through your logic.

We also often have a sense that something is absolutely perfect for us. In this class, you’ll learn to refine your ability to work with your chakras to be much more precise and specific with your intuition. You will learn to use the wisdom, intelligence and energy of your chakras to guide you with clarity and confidence.

You will practice how to determine whether your answers are true or false by sensing your chakras responses to questions during this workshop. This is an intuitive skill that will prove invaluable when you apply it to relationships, business, finances and health questions.

In this workshop, Christopher will teach effective techniques for:

Working with your Chakras: Awareness, Thought, Intent and Power
• Partner with your Angels to Open, Strengthen, Align and Balance your Chakras
• Clearing and Strengthening our powerful Chakra Energy and Sensitivity
• Using our Chakras to Sharpen and Strengthen our Intuition
• Utilizing the healing energies of your Chakras for yourself and others
• Accessing the Intelligence Centers in your Chakras for heightened awareness
• Your Chakras and creating more “Flow” in your life
• Proven Chakra Techniques from leading Energetic Healing Centers and Schools

If you’d like more information, please contact us or schedule Christopher  for an event today!

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