16 GuardianPhoto of A Guardian Angel by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

We are all under the watchful gaze of guardian beings. When yearning for spiritual growth and service becomes the predominant theme in your life, a Guardian Angel is attracted and assigned to you. As your soul’s spiritual mother, she holds the blueprint of your perfection and knows how you can best evolve. She is concerned with the subtleties of building the inner connection to your higher consciousness and watches over the balance between the various chakras or energy centers of your body. Your guardian protects you and brings messages of inspiration. As you battle between your lower and higher aspects, she offers revelations and incentives toward voluntary change. She cannot alter your personal will, but is permitted to influence you with new interests and friends who may help you through troublesome or unwise behaviors. She stays with you much longer than any other angel, and is dedicated to strengthening and encouraging you on your path.

Angels do not speak through vocal chords; instead they know our thoughts and communicate with feelings through the heart. The relationship with a guardian can become much more intimate than most human friendships because nothing is concealed. Humans usually rely on language to communicate. Language often fails to describe the deep and complex emotions we wish to share. Your guardian attunes to these feelings and responds with loving devotion. Realizing she knows all can be an inspiration to weed out judgments and criticism. This opens space for spontaneous responses to life based on true feelings.

Commune with your guardian. Ask her name; then listen for her words of wisdom. Watch for the way she announces her presence through a fragrance, a feeling, a sound or a colorful symbol. Sometimes guardians appear unexpectedly as humans to rescue us from a dangerous situation. More often, their guidance is so subtle that we don’t notice. Share your love and gratitude with your special angel as she strives to implant you with nobler aspirations, patience and courage.

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry