36-blessingsPhoto of Angel Amarushaya Angel of Blessings by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Angel Amarushaya and the blessing angels facilitate spiritual ceremony and ritual. The object of a spiritual ceremony is to invoke and attract specific energies such as healing, unconditional love and clear spiritual purpose. Angel Amarushaya helps by connecting the leader to the source of the particular energy being invoked by the group. Ceremony acts to create the channel that brings the desired energy to the participants. Angel Amarushaya builds the multidimensional structures that amplify and enhance the radiation of the blessing. You can feel the waves of energy she creates just by repeating the rhythm of her name several times—Amarushaya, Amarushaya, Amarushaya.

Blessings come in many forms including friends, family and beneficial situations. It is important to recognize them and be thankful. They also come disguised as undesirable circumstances which can eventually be acknowledged as a powerful teacher to release you from some kind of bondage. For example, a serious illness may help you let go of an aspect of your life that you didn’t want. During illness, you may have time to reflect and restructure your life in a better way. Perhaps a bad marriage may help you find a reservoir of untapped strength. Angel Amarushaya can help you see new options and gifts as she teaches you to count your blessings.

In the course of your daily life, there are many opportunities for you to create a simple ceremony of blessing and love. You don’t need a group of people; you alone are enough. The more often you celebrate with the angels, the closer and clearer your connection with them will become. Blessings can be as simple as a heartfelt prayer, lighting a candle and calling for the quality you desire, or a formal ceremony with a big celebration and lots of friends.

Any place where you spend significant amounts of time affects how you feel, think and behave. Create a comfortable, clean and beautiful environment with a feeling of reverence, peace, gratitude, and safety. These angels are eager to become a part of your life and respond whenever you open your heart to them. They joyously watch over your family, children and pets as they love playful, happy homes.

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry