Loving Consciousness in Relationships

From the Angel of Loving Consciousness


Beloved and blessed Angels I call upon you…Beloved and blessed Angels, gifts of Creator, gifts that support and help me to express my own gifts and my loving presence.

Blessed Angels come to me now, help me to be receptive, open and clear to receive your gifts; bless me and be with me.

I call today upon the Angel of Loving Consciousness, the Angel who knows us so well and who loves us completely and unconditionally. Angel of Loving Consciousness, I allow myself to open to your assistance. Blessed Angel, come to me now, I ask for your help. Angel of Loving Consciousness, I ask for your loving energy, I ask for your wisdom, I ask to receive what will help me to heal and be whole.

Angel Message

Thursday, June 17, 2004

From the Angel of Loving Consciousness:

I am the Angel that supports and surrounds your consciousness with a field of loving awareness. I shine this love upon you – upon all aspects of you. I radiate this love throughout all of your being. I help to create the space, the atmosphere and the field of higher loving awareness around you. I invite you to increase your perceptions of love, to increase your awareness of love as the primary purpose of creation in the universe. I invite you to realize that it is love that holds all matter together – that holds atoms in form that is the very attraction between sub-atomic and atomic particles. The energy of love is like a sea upon which everything floats, within which everything is supported. This unified field of love surrounds and infuses every part of creation. It surrounds and infuses your body, your mind, your spirit and every particle of your being.

I want to say in the simplest words possible that there is nothing more important than the refinement of your own loving consciousness. Your perceptions, your thoughts, your words and actions may be ever more deeply aligned with your choices of love.

There is nothing more important for the care of your soul than continuing to develop your loving consciousness. This is much more important than your career, than your material possessions, than even the dearest relationships, the most heartfelt relationships that you have. By putting love first, these relationships are served by the highest order of service that you are capable of.

Your consciousness is your most prized “possession.” Your soul lives within the space and place of your consciousness. Your soul is the eternal, the indestructible; it is love embodied and embraced and held sacred by Creator. Your soul and its journey into the unity of love is always protected. Your consciousness is determined by your choices. Your choices of love expand and increase your loving consciousness. Your choices of fear diminish, contract, stagnate and fix your consciousness in an immovable and un-evolving position.

Choices of love are eternal and last forever. The soul carries them forward. Choices of fear cannot be held; they are unsustainable, they are un-evolving. Choices of fear will always call to them the forces of love that will open, heal and transmute them.

The soul in its wisdom will call to it whatever forces are necessary to remove the obstacles to love and to replace your choices of fear. The soul begins first with gentle reminders, gentle words and gentle opportunities for making more loving choices. Yet the soul is unrelenting in its drive to greater love and unity. If the gentle prodding and reminders are not heeded, then the soul increases the force, the velocity and the power to the degree required to crack the places of fear. It cracks your holding places of fear and gives the energy of fear within you a path to move through and out of you, if you will allow yourself to release it.

The evolution of your consciousness into greater love is the primary reason you have chosen to incarnate. The very obstacles, the very frictions, the very difficulties in the relationships in your life, are the very things that will serve you in the opening to a more loving consciousness. They are the very doorways and gateways that have so far been locked to your approaches. They are the places where choices of fear predominate and hold sway. If you realize each of these blocked places as an opportunity to open a door to greater consciousness, you will approach them from a very different ground of being. A door that is closed to love will always open to the key made just for its lock. Searching for this key is often called meditation, prayer, intention and invocation. No door is locked to you to which you do not have its companion key already within you.

The first key to opening all doors is loving acceptance of yourself as you are, exactly as you are. The next key is accepting the relationships around you as they are, and then accepting your life as being in perfect balance to your consciousness – exactly as it is. Finding perfection in the moment illuminates the space around you and allows light to shine upon the key that has remained hidden to you. The key you are searching for is usually within arm’s reach. It is usually close at hand because no closed door confronts that you are not able and ready to open.

Bringing love to whatever situation or circumstance is present with the closed door is an important practice. Love everything that is present. Ask and choose to move into higher awareness and higher consciousness. Have persistence. One small step at a time is to be commended. You are to appreciate and acknowledge every step that you take regardless of its appearance. A small step may actually be a great leap. You often are not aware that that the small step is the great leap and that what appears as a great leap may actually just be a small step. Trust your sure and steady progress.

Cherish every place of love in your consciousness. Tend every place the way you would tend a fire, and just if as you are lighting it. The care that goes into preparing the tinder, preparing the smaller sticks, and the larger pieces of wood. It is the same process caring for the fire of love within you. Your soul is warmed by this fire; this fire warms everything in your heart, in your mind and everything in your perceptive field. It warms all the relationships around you. With time, care and patience, this loving awareness becomes a hearty, even a roaring, fire within you and around you, warming and illuminating every place, person and circumstance you experience.

The power of loving awareness cannot be overestimated. It has the ability to alter the time-space field around you. It has the ability to alter the perceptions of those around you. It has the ability to allow a deeper communion with grace, with love and with heaven for all who encounter you.

Your place of consciousness is the evolution of your soul – there is no difference between them. Choosing loving consciousness will make every one of your pursuits easier, more gentle, more loving, and much more rewarding.

The doors that you unlock within yourself do not then have to manifest as difficulties in the outer world. The inner work that you do, will give you a ten to one return over your same degree of effort in the outer world. Ten to one! This is no exaggeration. Every conflict in consciousness, every belief or thought that you hold within you that is not of love, and is of fear, will manifest itself in the outside world as a problem that will require your attention.

Your unconscious investments in fear play out in every activity, every communication, every project and relationship you have. This is not news to you. You have experienced this over and over. The rough Zen Stick blow from the outside focuses and points your awareness always to something within you. Is there not a gentler, more loving, more caring way for you yourself to choose to illuminate the choices of fear within you, to find the keys, and to open the doors?

The Angels offer you every opportunity of grace, every opportunity of ease, every opportunity of gentleness in the progress of the evolution of your loving consciousness. Yet again I remind you that your soul will call, will summon, with its full potency, whatever force is necessary to shake loose the hold of your fear-based choices. Your self-defenses, your personality, your ego, every place of investment in fear will be removed.

This is true. The ultimate release of fear will be with the coming of your own death. Death is a letting go of everything other than love. Every place, every possession, every person, every experience is released into love. And you are left with the level and degree and the quality of loving awareness with which you have surrounded your soul. I say this not to invoke a fear, quite the contrary. I recommend that you make regular investments, regular deposits into your loving consciousness. For this is the only account that you will carry forward from this life, the only thing that you will take with you.

Developing your quality of loving awareness, of loving consciousness, is your most important pursuit. It is a loving pursuit, it is a pursuit supported and blessed and assisted by the Angels. It is supported by every being of advanced consciousness. The saints and sages of all time have gone before you on this path. This has been proven from the human perspective. Your ability to choose love is the same as that of the saints and sages that you admire and respect – it is the same choice, the same path.

It is with the deepest love and respect and regard that I bring this message to you. It is with the greatest love that I convey these truths to you. It is a message to welcome you to come ever more deeply into heaven. It is really as simple as that. Step by step, your choices carry you either more deeply into heaven, or more deeply into your own fear-based version of a living hell.

The Angels are an aspect of the loving consciousness of Creator. Our only purpose is to serve your evolution into greater love. Call upon us, make ever more intimate relationships with us. We offer you invitation at all times into greater love, into a deeper experience of having love in your life. We are in eternal service to you, we never lose sight of you, we never lose awareness of you. We are with you in the every experience, every expression, every thought, and especially in every choice of love. Our warmest and best regards to, blessings Grace and love to you.

-The Angel of Loving Consciousness

Christopher DiltsChristopher Dilts is an internationally recognized Angel Intuitive and Healer has been helping people learn to connect with their Angels. He has facilitated positive change for hundreds of people by helping them develop a deeply personal relationship with their Guiding Angels.

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