20-communicationPhoto of Angel of Communication Ongkanon by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Ongkanon (Ong-ka-non) is God’s messenger who offers love and guidance as you progress on your pathway Home. He often acts as an intermediary, bringing remembrance of your spiritual destiny, and his desire is to assist in your quest for truth. Call on Ongkanon often to part the veil of illusion and connect you with your Eternal Self.

The angels communicate at the soul level, without words. Their deep feelings are transmitted telepathically allowing no room for misunderstanding. Humans have developed a verbal method of interchange that is custom-made for deceit, misinterpretation and conjecture. To further complicate matters, most of us have been taught that it is not safe to say how we really feel. What are you afraid to expose and why? Strive to reach a level of loving but brutal honesty in relationships. Going deeply into your feelings to reveal the truth invites an incredible outpouring of love and understanding.

Ask Ongkanon to enhance communication with family members through love and peace. Seek ways to understand your differences, while striving to appreciate your sameness. We all just want to be loved. Write letters to the Guardian Angel of anyone who troubles you and ask for the good of all concerned.

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry