an image of Angel of gratitude Ooniemme

Photo of Angel of Gratitude Ooniemme by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Invite Ooniemme (Oon-ee-em) to uplift you with the glorious feeling of gratitude! Gratitude expands awareness, opening your consciousness to receive. Every thought and feeling is clearly reflected in your body and the events you attract in life. If you are deeply grateful to your body and all of its elements, you will attract health. Why not choose to focus on the perfection of your Eternal Self through gratitude? When experienced passionately, the three Ascension Attitudes of love, surrender, and gratitude become an invincible force for healing.

Find little things throughout the day for which to be joyously grateful: meals, parking places, green lights, kindness, everything! Thank Nature for her gifts of beautiful flowers and sunshine. Listen to ecstatic music like the “Hallelujah Chorus” by Handel. Treat yourself to a little pampering in thanks to your body. Wear clothes that make you happy, attractive, and comfortable. Wear your favorite perfume or cologne and think of the angels.

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry