02-creative-powerPhoto of Archangel Jophiel by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Jophiel teaches our consciousness to discover the Light within. Divine ideas begin to manifest in the heart of the Eternal where electronic light substance containing “everything” is broadcast out in great waves. Jophiel coordinates a team of angels who see each vision through to physical manifestation. In this process, Paschar receives the vision and projects it on to Jamaerah who adds detail and form as the essence begins to condense. It is then kissed by the beauty of lofiel. Galgaliel charges it with vibration and magnetic energy which surround the idea in a mighty vortex of love, spinning the web of matter that will become the physical manifestation. Next, Micah adds emotional depth, giving the plan the power to move to its right place. From our side, Shekinah holds us in the presence of the Eternal. Jophiel helps us receive the vision and Ongkanon assists with clear communication.

Make yourself a clear and open vessel; then call to Archangel Jophiel to fill you with the perfect vision of what you desire. Use your passion to call the vision into form. It will feel complete when it comes from God. It will excite you and there will be no question or doubt in your mind. Accept the vision with gratitude and take action. The angels will help!

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry