14 PartnershipPhoto of Angel Soqed Hozi by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Angel of Partnership Soqed Hozi (Sew-ked Hose-ee) is the keeper of divine balances, holding the balance of feeling and truth in our lives through our partners. There is a special dynamic involved in intimate relationships between two people who are committed to love. When at last you find the one who is your soul mate, the relationship is tremendously uplifting, supportive, and satisfying. Each day is celebrated and is better than the one before. There is fire and passion which is free from the pettiness of many karmic relationships. You feel a synergy that allows the combination of your feelings, creative thought and resources to go far beyond what you can imagine doing alone. A love this deep can be your lifeline to survive the most dire circumstances, as well as magnify the joy of celebration and accomplishment one hundredfold. Both of you are transformed by a love so vast that old beliefs simply melt away, allowing new insight and understanding to take their place. When you join in marriage, the celebration transcends the limitation of matter as triumphant waves of love flow through the cosmos!

In a sacred relationship, your mate is a partner on the path of self-discovery as well as your best friend, lover, playmate, confidant, and caregiver. The emphasis is on truth and trust which, even in the best of circumstances, takes time to mature. As long as there are two people with separate wills, conflict results. But conflict can be used for growth and deeper understanding rather than having a life of its own and a controlling interest. Each partner is free to speak the truth and express feelings of anger, hurt, shame and love. Trust develops through the repeated experience of each partner listening with respect to the position of the other.

Ask Soqed Hozi for insights and courage to make tough decisions about your future with this person. If you feel you can no longer unite in love and decide to end a relationship, ask for help with the right timing and understanding to support the highest good for everyone concerned. If you are having difficulty leaving the relationship, find release by clearing your feelings and judgments. When you feel pain or anger, simply acknowledge it without blaming, asking God and Soqed Hozi to transform your emotion into compassion and understanding. You don’t have to agree in order to accept. Constantly ask for more love to fill your relationship. Invite Soqed Hozi to inspire and energize you.

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry