11-thoughtPhoto of Angel of Thought Metatron by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Angel of Thought Metatron is head of the archives or the secretary of God. Hebrew legends say that he was not always an angel, but was once a man known as Enoch. According to this account, Enoch walked with and was taken up by God. In other words, he did not die. Metatron supervises special archives called Akashic Records where all of our thoughts and deeds are recorded upon an impressionable and highly sensitized screen of mental essence. Our attitudes perpetually create our current life experiences as well as our future.

It is not enough to just try to think happy thoughts. The objective is to clear the mind of false beliefs so that it may receive truth. You were born to express your unique version of God. Nothing comes into physical existence without first being a thought. You are God’s thought, and you can connect with eternal intelligence in your creative thoughts. Call on Metatron to quicken your intellect and reveal all that imprisons you. Your innermost thoughts create your outer reality through magnetic attraction. Thoughts of self-love and comfort create a positive life. Judgmental thoughts separate you from others, angry thoughts attract upset people, and self-pity and vengefulness cause illness.

Judgments control the consciousness just as habits control the reactions of the body. Habits override your natural responses, then attempt to compensate for the loss of attunement through the generalized, externalized rules of learned behavior. To release a habit, explore your feelings about this behavior and its results in your life.

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry