41-mercyPhoto of Angel Remiel The Angel of Mercy by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Angel Remiel means “the mercy of God.” Mercy is justice tempered by wisdom, which grows out of knowledge and understanding. Divine mercy represents a technique of adjustment between perfection and imperfection, or fairness, and is one of the basic concepts of creation. Since God knows everything about each of us, it is easy for the Divine Spirit to forgive. “God’s mercy endures forever.”

Do you mercilessly expect too much of yourself? Have mercy on yourself, then extend that mercy to your neighbors. As God directed Moses. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” The better we understand our neighbors, the easier it will be to love them. Many of us have been taught to fear and hate the differences between cultures and religions. This ignorance has caused persecution, wars and the extinction of many of Earth’s indigenous peoples. Deep in your emotional body is the guilt and rage for your part in this horror. You may have been a persecutor in one life and a victim in the next. The beliefs that resulted from these experiences are being replayed in your life now. Ask Angel Remiel to open your eyes and heart to see how you are repeating your part, over and over again. As you watch the news of religious wars and ethnic “cleansing,” feel your rage and hurt over this behavior. When you see documentaries on the destruction of rain forests and the tribes whose homes and lives are being lost, allow your feelings of rage to surface. Look back at the mass slaughter involved with the Holocaust, Rwanda and the American Indians. What are your feelings?

God patiently waits for you to desire divine mercy and compassion. There is great joy in the heavens when you finally accept the comfort of Spirit. Angel Remiel inspires the higher impulses and spiritual emotions. He guides the leaders of our communities and countries to incorporate fairness in their constitutions and rule. Merciless dictatorships eventually disappear and those who have made a place for forgiveness in their hearts shall assume leadership.

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry