Angel Sessions

“Angels are the loving presence of God… they are the messengers of God and carry God’s grace to us in ways that we can directly experience and easily relate to. Angels bring us very personal and precise assistance that we can immediately receive and act upon. My mission in life is to lead people to this vast resource.”

-Christopher Dilts

Let your Guardian Angel and your personal Angel Team guide you to greater success in every area of your life: Relationships, Career & Business, Health and Happiness.

You Soul is encoded with your Divine Blueprint for success in this lifetime – just as an acorn is encoded to become a mighty oak tree. Discover the keys to expressing your Soul Gifts more powerfully and more clearly and receive help from your Angels to overcome blocks and resistance.

Your Angels are ready, willing and able to help you now!

Book Your Angel Session here:

The Jewel of your Soul is your purpose, expressed through your inner gifts. These gifts, always connected to creation, can be clarified and enhanced by the Angels, who help you access the resources, relationships, and finances needed to realize your dreams. Every challenge holds a gift to empower your creative expression, and the Angels guide you to discover the purpose behind obstacles, unlocking clarity, wisdom, and creativity. They teach you to recognize and accept divine help in all its forms.

Angel Sessions:

Connect with your Angels in a private session designed to bring clarity, healing, and guidance.

  • Discover your Angels' messages.
  • Deepen your intuition and creativity.
  • Let go of fear, doubt, and negativity.
  • Shift from stress to joy and abundance.

Session Options:

  • 90 minutes – $195 (includes session recording)
  • 70 minutes – $175
  • 50 minutes – $145

Special Rates for Continuing Clients:

  • 3 x 90 min sessions – $445
  • 3 x 70 min sessions – $390
  • 3 x 50 min sessions – $325

Send a brief introduction (2-3 paragraphs) of your concerns 1 day before your session. Recordings available for an additional $12.

Cancellation Policy:
Please provide 48 hours notice to reschedule. Missed sessions without notice are non-refundable.

Explore deeper insights and healing with a personalized Angel session!