Experience Your Angels!

Join Christopher Dilts for events that offer a deeper connection with your Guiding Angels.

  • Receive instant assistance from your Angels
  • Hear their messages more clearly
  • Deepen intuition and boost creativity

With kindness and love, Christopher Dilts leads these events with the Angels, starting with blessings, invocations, and a brief meditation to open us to their presence. Known for his clarity and generosity, Christopher helps individuals connect with their Angels for guidance and healing. Join us to raise your consciousness and access divine wisdom. Learn how to partner with your Angels and receive their daily help for greater grace and love.

Spring Equinox Soul Celebration – Angel Blessings with Sacred Sound & Light

The Equinox is a potent time to meditate, set intentions and invoke our Angels so that we can gather together to receive fresh inspirations and infusions of Angelic energy, wisdom and light to refresh and renew our 2024 Intentions.

Spring Equinox Angel Blessing Circle – Teleclass

The Equinox is a potent time
to meditate, set intentions and invoke our Angels so that we can gather together to receive fresh inspirations and infusions of Angelic energy, wisdom and light to refresh and renew our 2024 Intentions.

Soul Mates & Soul AgreementsTeleclass Recording

The audio recording of the Valentines Teleclass (held on: December 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM (PST)) event is now available.

Please register for this event to receive the audio file.

Don’t Miss Out! The Next Event Begins In:

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00 Hours
00 Mins
00 Secs




Ontario, CA



Provo, Utah

