37-prosperityPhoto of Angel Fortunata The Angel of Prosperity by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Angel Fortunata is the angel of prosperity. Fortunate indeed is the one who is wealthy in spirit, having an imperishable quality of the soul that endures for eternity. On this material plane, however, there are many other aspects of prosperity. Do you focus on things and worldly success, experiencing a poverty-stricken soul? Have you denounced the material world and found yourself feeling deprived? Freedom lies in the balance of being able to use and enjoy the abundance of this material world, without thinking that your life depends upon it. This is the result of a supportive mind and emotional body, a faith in the creative principals of abundance and desire, and a deep connection with your purpose or Divine Plan.

If you focus too much on money, give your spiritual growth some additional time and energy. Are you always short of funds, staying away from structure? Get help organizing your finances, learn to balance your checkbook, budget and plan ahead. This can be fun and feel good when you realize what it can do for you. Are you too tight with your purse strings? Do you follow too rigid a structure? Maybe it’s time to let loose and buy some things or do some activities that just feel good. You deserve a treat! Let your intuition guide you into the joy of spontaneity.

The moment you catch yourself being critical or judgmental is a magical moment of power! Simply choose to change from a limiting to a loving energy. Look inside to see where this behavior came from and heal it. At that moment, you are consciously choosing what you wish to create. This is your opportunity to choose mastery and abundance. Ask Angel Fortunata and your Eternal Self to help you see the truth and focus on it, aligning your mind and feelings to support your desires. As you open to the flow of energy, inspired ideas will come. You will feel more alive as you receive the gifts of prosperity and love!

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry