This opening section sets the stage, discussing how the transition from the winter solstice into the new year marks a profound opportunity to activate the soul's full potential for 2025:
- Aligning with Your Soul's Calling
Christopher guides you to attune to your soul's purpose, passion, and mission, as well as the deep connections you share with your soul family. This lays the groundwork for the transformative journey ahead.
- A Chakra-Awakening Meditation
Through a breathing exercise and visualization, you'll embark on a meditative journey to open and energize your crown, third eye, and heart chakras. This allows you to powerfully connect to the divine energies of the Divine Mother and Divine Father.
-Invoking Angelic Assistance
Christopher calls upon the angelic realm, specifically the protective presence of Archangel Michael and the illuminating guidance of Archangel Gabriel. This creates a sacred, supportive container for your spiritual evolution.
-Releasing the Past, Embracing the New
You'll be led through a transformative process of moving through portals of thankfulness, appreciation, and gratitude. This helps you shed old karmas, wounds, and limiting beliefs, making way for a fresh start.
-Establishing Empowering Routines
Christopher encourages you to mindfully craft new morning and evening rituals that will nurture your spiritual growth in the year ahead, helping you embody your highest potential.
-Stepping into Mastery
The overarching aim is to support your soul's evolution and mastery, empowering you to become an ever-brighter vessel of love and light in service of the divine plan.
Enjoy this peaceful experience!
This is a transcript of a recent in-person Ask An Angel gathering. There are powerful guidance, wisdom, and messages that the Angels have for you.
Greetings, angel friends and soul family members. Welcome to this new year activation. This is to activate all the potential of 2025. It is also to bring into completion the cycle of 2024. We have just passed through the winter solstice, that is the day of greatest darkness, the shortest day of the year with the least light.
And the winter marks that exact point where the sun begins to return. It is the birth of new light. It is the birth of new consciousness. It is the birth of a new opportunity to step more fully and deeply into your soul's purpose. To re-engage at a deeper level with your soul's mission, passion, and purpose with your soul agreements.
Aligning with Your Soul’s Calling
It is a time to move into deeper relationship with your soul family members, those soul mates, like shipmates, that have incarnated together for this journey, this voyage upon the earth, that each and every one of us bring through our souls light to a brighter, more brilliant, more lustrous level. That we may fully and completely embrace our soul's gifts, and that in alignment, in collaboration with the universe, with Divine Mother, Father, God, with all of the angels of love and light, with all true saints, sages, masters, and avatars, that we fulfill the Our soul purpose, our soul mission on this new cycle of life, the wave of the 2025 energies that open a new era, that open a new portal that allow us to step through and the full power, the full presence, the full gift of our soul fully supported in complete collaboration with our higher self, our soul self, with our guardian angel, each and every one of us.
Has our guardian angel that affirms the purity of our soul's love, alignment, and intent that affirms the divine plan that our soul plays a pivotal and important part in. Each and every one of our souls is woven into constellation with our soul family members and each of our souls like a unique star.
A constellation has its own pure vibration, pure tone, pure light, each and every one of our souls, our soul stars is unique and all of creation and has a very important part to play, a very important role in the unfolding of the divine plan. As we consciously intend to make our intentions as we consciously commit and declare that we are ready, willing, and able to more fully embrace the pure soul qualities, soul light, soul tones, the pure frequency and vibration of our soul.
Then we shine like a star in the heavens, like a star in the constellation, our soul star glimmers. Glitters, glistens and shines with our soul's light and love, and we become more and more visible to our soul family members, just as they become more visible to us. And in this concert, in this great symphony of synchronized love, of enfoldment of the divine plan, each and every one of us plays a vital and important part, like every musician can.
In an orchestra playing a symphony, each person adds their vibration, their tone, their color, the richness and fullness of their soul's presence to the divine music of this symphony. As we gather, as we combine the songs of our soul, the light of our soul, the vibration of our soul. The purity of our hearts as vessels for our soul's light.
We support each other in this great unfoldment. We are literally like a spiral galaxy of stars in the Milky Way. Orchestrated, conducted by a divine conductor who brings through every aspect of the divine plan. Your soul is immortal, continuous. From lifetime to lifetime, ever refining, ever perfecting, ever brightening, ever more luminous, more lustrous, more present and more powerful.
Feel around you, this soul family, feel around you, your soul mates, the constellation of the soul family that you are in. The constellations around that constellation of soul relations. All of these constellations swirling in a galaxy. A Galaxy, like the Milky Way, is a sacred spiral, a divine creation of sacred geometry.
Feel all of this potential, all of this possibility is contained within your soul, in union with your soulmates and your soul family. We are going to begin an attunement, an alignment process. We will do an invocation, we'll call upon the angels of light and love, we'll call upon all the great and true masters, all of these beings, love and light, that work with us individually and collectively.
That are completely committed with the power of unconditional love and eternal love, everlasting love to guide us, to shepherd us, to bring us into the fulfillment of the evolution of our souls as the loving expression of creation. When we invoke the angels from the angelic realm, we invoke the great masters, an invocation means a call, a call upon them.
But what we are really doing is calling our own awareness, calling our own attention, calling our own alertness, calling our own focus in a very determined and disciplined and pointed manner, so that we open our perceptions to the presence of our beloved masters, enlightened souls, ascended masters. The presence of our loving angels, so that we become receptive to their blessings, to their messages, to their intuitive guidance, to their healing, to their great abilities to accelerate our spiritual growth, to attune and align us in keeping with our part of creation.
The great ascended masters, the great angels of love and light, are Completely committed to each and every one of us individually and collectively. Their love is limitless, eternal, and everlasting. Your soul knows when it is in their presence. It knows it's home of eternal love, everlasting love, and unconditional love.Â
As we attune and align with the intention that we become ever more willing vessels, ready, willing, and able to receive this love and light to the vessels of our physical bodies, through our physical body, through our energetic body of chakras, nadis, and meridians, those energetic connections and channels of our energy body or light body, In our emotional body, our feeling body, where the feelings become an ocean of devotion, a sea of love, where the emotional body overflows with this infinite, unconditional, everlasting love.
And then our mental body, which is meant to be as clear as a pristine diamond, to be Crystal clear to be filled with divine thought the way the sun, sunlight, shines into a diamond and the unique facets of that diamond send the rainbow sparkling colors in all directions. Your mind is also unique in all of creation.
Unique amongst every human, the way a snowflake, each and every snowflake should make on a mountain. You can imagine the Colorado Mountains, the Rocky Mountains, covered in a trillion times a trillion snowflakes, each and every one unique. Your mind, your mental body, has its own unique crystalline structure like a perfect diamond, has its own set of facets like the facets of a diamond.
Your mind and mental body brings through. A unique and special and differentiated form of thought, which is facet radiating divine thought. To those around you, your mental body is calibrated, created, composed to carry the highest level of thought, the highest level of loving thought, of luminous, lustrous thought to those around you. When you allow your mental body to be as clear as a diamond, the light, the divine light, divine thought that flows through it, illuminates the minds of those around you.Â
They will entrain the higher vibration, this principle of physics, the higher vibration always entrains, entrains, that means envelops, embodies, and transforms the lower vibration. When you allow your mind, your mental body to be activated to its highest state, it sends a frequency of resonance to those soul family members around you and invites their mental bodies to rise and to open with the same clarity. Divine thought can spark your mental body to open and reflect.
The same way that a car with a strong battery with the engine running can be used to jumpstart countless cars on a parking lot. Your mental body in its pristine and pure form, when it sends out this unique Configuration of your diamond mind light to those around you can jump start divine thought in the minds around you.
Even one spark of divine thought can ignite the pure diamond mind. We're going to be working with our mental body tonight as well. We work with a model of five bodies, the physical body, densest body. Our energy body, the body of chakras, nadis, meridians, the light body, circulating energy, the emotional body, our feeling body, our mental body, and then our causal body, the soul, the soul, the fifth body, which travels forward from lifetime to lifetime, gathering all of the love, all of the lessons, all of the truths, clearing.
Karmas, clearing samaskaras, those issues that cling to the soul, the way barnacles cling to a great whale in the ocean. In each reincarnation, you reconstitute your physical body, reconstitute your energy body, reconstitute your emotional body, and reconstitute your mental body. And yet the soul goes forward.
The immortal and limitless gathering from lifetime to lifetime, all of the wisdom, all of the love, all of the understanding, all of the good, and carries it forward. As we prepare for the new year, we're going to allow all five bodies to release all of the old energies from 2024 and any years before that.
Any lifetimes before that, we're going to go forward into the new world, the new world of the new year and allow ourselves to be reborn and refreshed and renewed in the pure light and the pure presence of our soul.
A Chakra-Awakening Meditation
So we're going to begin with a meditation and a pranayama breathing exercise. So please sit upright for this part of our work together. Sit with your spine aligned and erect and straight. Hold your head level to the floor. Close your eyes. Lift your gaze between the eyebrows to the third eye. As you're lifting your gaze, feel an upliftment.
Feel that feeling when you're up. When you have enthusiasm, when you're excited, when that childlike sense of wonder sweeps through you. Let your eyes rise in anticipation of all that is wonderful, all that is beautiful, all that is love, all that is light, all of the potential for your soul to express.
It's pure beauty. As you lift your gaze, feel a light beginning to grow brighter in your third eye. And so you are up early in the morning before the very first rays of the morning of the dawn sun come over the horizon, and as you're holding your gaze, become very aware, very sensitive to that spot that is just a little brighter on the horizon, where you know that the dawn will soon occur.
Just gradually becoming brighter and brighter. We're going to begin a pranayama breathing exercise. This is called three part yoga breath. Three part yoga breath relaxes the body, calms the nervous system, stills the mind, and prepares you for this next place of growth and evolution that is coming with the tide of this new year.
So we'll begin the three part breath. The three parts of three part yoga breath are the bottom of the lungs, the middle of the lungs, the top of the lungs. I'll say chest for the top of the lungs, abdomen for the middle of the lungs, belly for the bottom of the lungs. So let's all take a full deep breath in together, and hold full for a moment.
And slowly exhale from the top of the lungs, from the chest, a continuous exhale from the abdomen, the middle of the lungs, a continuous exhale from the belly, the bottom of the lungs, breathing out completely, empty, empty, empty. Very gently expand the belly to breathe in, continuous breath in, expand the abdomen, filling, filling.
Continuous breath in, expand the chest, deep full breath in, check your shoulders, move them back an inch or two to open your heart, open your lungs, and then exhale from the top of your chest, continuous exhale from the middle, continuous exhale to the bottom, breathe out, draw the belly button to the backbone to empty completely, gently, completely, very slowly expand your belly to breathe in, Expanding your abdomen to breathe in.
Expanding your chest to breathe in. Breathe in fully and completely. Hold full for a moment. And just say yes to the energy, the prana, the chi. Then exhale from the chest. Continuous exhale from the abdomen. Continuous exhale from the belly, the bottom of the lungs. Empty, empty, empty. Very gently expand the belly, breathing in.
Expand the abdomen, breathing in. Expand the chest, breathing in. Hold your breath full for a moment. Silently say yes to the prana, the energy chi. And as you exhale, follow your breath down the spine. From the top of your head, To your heart, all the way down to the base of your spine, the root chakra. As you're breathing out, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty.
As you breathe in, follow your breath from the base of the spine, your root chakra. Follow that up to your heart, heart center, heart chakra. Follow it up the top of your head, your crown, your crown chakra. As you're breathing, breathing, breathing, As you breathe in. As you're exhaling, you follow your breath from the crown to the heart to the root, then gently breathe back in from the root to the heart to the crown.
Exhale, find your own rhythm now. Deepen your breath, slow your breath down with every cycle of breath, feeling the rhythm. As your breath deepens, as it slows, feel the prana, the energy, the life force, flowing down your spine as you're exhaling, flowing up your spine as you're inhaling. And just allow your awareness to follow your breath.
Where you place your awareness, energy flows, energy follows. The three part yoga breath is relaxing your body, calming your nervous system. Still in your mind. Breathe a few more cycles of this breath. Slowing the cycle down with each breath. Deepening the cycle. And now with your next inhale, hold your awareness just above your head.
The crown chakra. Feel it connecting, connected to the top of your head, and breathe gold in through the crown. Rich, deep, beautiful, golden energy into the purple of your crown chakra. As you're inhaling, let the crown chakra, the purple, be filled with gold, golden light, golden illumination. And as you exhale, exhale that golden energy down the spine to your heart.
From the heart to your root, and from your root into the very center of the earth. Feel that golden energy flow through your root to the earth's center. Touching into the ruby red central heart of the earth of Divine Mother as you're breathing in, you're breathing ruby red energy in from the earth's center, Divine Mother's heart center.
As you're breathing this up the spine, to your heart chakra, your heart center. And feel it every cycle of breath now. You're breathing gold into the crown. You're exhaling that golden energy imbued, filled with divine wisdom, divine intelligence, divine grace. You're breathing that into the heart, through the heart to the root, down into the earth.
Then as you breathe in, that rich ruby red energy from Divine Mother's heart, from their center, blows up your root system. and flows into your heart also. Move your awareness fully to your heart center, to your heart chakra now. And allow your heart chakra, that energetic heart, to breathe like your lungs breathe.
You breathe gold in from above. You breathe in divine wisdom, divine grace, divine intelligence, divine dispensation. This gold becomes richer and richer, like liquid gold, like amber. like honey, like nectar into the heart and feel as your heart breathes in unconditional love from above from divine father into the heart as you exhale that gold goes down to your root into the earth touches divine mother's heart and then you breathe in the rich ruby red energy from divine mother's heart to your root chakra to your heart Feel the gold flowing in from above, the rich ruby red flowing in from below, and allow your heart chakra to move into its highest form.
The heart chakra in its sacred form, its holy form, its highest form, becomes the cup that runneth over. The cup that runneth over is the heart chakra, connected to heaven above, which is the heart below that is filled with Divine Mother's unconditional everlasting love until the heart overflows with Divine Mother's compassion, Divine Mother's mercy, Divine Mother's grace, Divine Mother's forgiveness, Divine Mother's peace, and above all the quality of infinite unconditional Everlasting love, affirm my heart chakra is divinely designed by an all loving creator, by an all loving, all powerful, omnipotent creator who has divinely designed and created my heart chakra to have unlimited capacity, infinite capacity to receive pure, unconditional love from divine mother.
To overflow with Divine Mothers, Compassion, Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness. That my heart chakra is divinely designed to receive from Divine Father, Divine Wisdom, Divine Intelligence, Divine Grace, Divine Dispensation, Divine Thought. Feel your heart chakra fully aligned, connected to Divine Mother. The Divine Father, feel this flow of love and light from the crown to your heart, your heart.
Continue to deepen your three part breath. Feel your heart chakra unfolding, expanding, feel the petals of the heart chakra opening row upon row of new petal. The deeper you root, the deeper you allow your root to be connected to Divine Mother's heart. The center of the earth beneath you, who more of Divine Mother's love flows with every in breath, like a nourish in the roots of a redwood tree, allowing that tree to become a mighty redwood tree with massive roots, a massive trunk.
The deeper the roots, the more expanded the roots. The taller the tree, the higher the crown, can you to breathe, feel Divine Mother pouring her love, her devotion. Her infinite, unlimited care, her personal love for you, her deep regard for you. Divine Mother knows the journey of your soul, every step, every challenge, every place of pain, loss, disappointment, every place of growth, every place of expansion.
And she loves you completely through every step of your journey. The divine mother loves you from your soul's inception. That moment when your soul first coalesced in the heavenly host like a raindrop, coalescing in a cloud, gaining sufficient mass, sufficient presence, to have enough weight for that raindrop to drop to earth.
And so your soul coalesced from all of the love, all of the light in the heavens, into a pure and perfect crystal like diamond, like jewel, like soul falling to earth the way an acorn falls to the earth as well. A small acorn that becomes a mighty, mighty oak tree or a small redwood tree seed from a pine cone becomes a mighty redwood tree.
Divine Mother loves the seed as deeply as the fully grown tree. She loves every step of evolution of your soul. She loves you completely and absolutely. And she understands the unique nature of your soul. And what your soul needs to thrive, to grow, to persevere. To add a new growth ring to your evolutionary growth.
The way a redwood tree grows. Adds a new growth ring for every year of its existence. Some redwood trees have a thousand growth rings, a thousand years, two thousand, some even three thousand. Your soul gains another growth ring with every lifetime. You become a greater and greater vessel for love and light until you yourself join the ranks of the universe.
The great saints, masters, Jesus said, all of these things and more you shall do. But it does take some lifetimes, it does take some work. But we are all on the path of the great saints, sages and masters before us. The Reverend Flower Newhouse, who lived with angels, was at home with angels, spoke with them every day.
I said, we are all masters in the becoming. Take this into your heart. Take this deep, deep, deep to every aspect of your being and affirm. We are all masters in the becoming. We are all set on a course by a loving Divine Mother, Father, God, into a journey of mastery. Everything that we face in this life upon this earth is part of that.
Process of a master in the becoming. Feel your heart chakra divinely designed, created to be filled with a limitless love of Divine Mother, pure and perfect, complete love of Divine Father. The way the sunlight shines on the soil that that acorn has been planted in. The way the earth beneath it offers moisture, offers warmth.
It offers the very things that will soften that acorn shell, that the seed will sprout out, will germinate, will put down those tender first roots into the soil, and will put those first shoots up above the soil, held to the earth by Divine Mother, nourished and supported, energy flowing from Divine Father to those first green shoots.
And the energy of the universe provides for the growth of that acorn into an oak tree. The energy of the universe provides for the energy for your soul, its growth into mastery. Breathing in deep, we invoke around us now the angelic diamond matrix, which will amplify, which will increase, which will accelerate these transformational energies.
The angelic diamond matrix is the three dimensional star of David. The star of David is a two dimensional representation of two pyramids. The angelic diamond matrix is a Merkabah, held and sustained and fueled and powered by the angels. These two pyramids, one pyramid has its apex in the heavens above.
The other pyramid in the center of the earth below, they rotate. They create an energetic field of pure love and pure light. And nothing may enter this space that is not pure love and pure light. Vibrations are lifted here, your soul knows this, as it's home, as a place where acceleration is purely the power of love, the power of light, presence, Divine Mother, Father, God.
So we invoke the angelic diamond matrix, the smirkabar around us, Archangel Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael. In the Northeast, hold this Merkabah, hold us in a circle of pure protection. Archangel Michael Michael consecrates this space, makes it a holy space, a sacred space, a pure space for your soul to be held, complete protection.
Only love here, only light here, only the clarity of who you truly are. You can look into Archangel Michael's eyes. And he will reflect back to you the pure form of your soul. Archangel Michael sees you and every step of unfoldment from acorn to oak tree, he sees you as a pure soul on an evolutionary path to mastery and perfection.
Michael hones all lower energies, all lower vibration, all fear, all shadow. Outside this circle, Michael can call upon legion and legion of warrior angels to make an impenetrable fortress of love, a sanctuary for the soul. The soul can have a space upon this earth, purely and completely devoted to giving you space for your soul.
Soul Light, your soul's star to shine, unencumbered in its pure form. This is the gift of Michael, to hold sacred space, holy space around you, where your soul can become fully, completely present. Archangel feel the waves of blue white light going out, holding us in a sacred circle, sacred sphere. Archangel Michael invokes Archangel Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel.
In the Southeast Quadrant, Gabriel is the angel of revelation, the angel of intuition of your third eye. Gabriel appears and says always, Fear not, for I bring good tidings. Gabriel's mission is to activate terror. To empower, to deeper your intuition, your intuitive abilities, your perceptions, your sixth sense, third eye, sixth chakra, your perceptions that transcend the material world and the five senses.
Gabriel shines a golden light, a golden presence upon your forehead, warming your forehead. And here again is that morning sun that begins to dawn with more and more. Golden light, the horizon, filling with golden light, becoming brilliant, that golden light spilling across the landscape in front of you, where the golden light fills in every crack, every crevasse, every place of shadow, simply fills it in with golden light.
Feel that golden light moving to your third eye, and literally breathe it in through your third eye. Breathe that golden energy in. Let it flow through your forehead, through your third eye. Let it flow through to the center of your head, to the pineal gland. The pineal gland is placed between the two hemispheres of the brain, the left and right hemisphere.
Your pineal gland has tissue. That is light sensitive, like the tissue in your eyes. It responds to divine light, divine presence. And Archangel Gabriel increases the intensity, the frequency, the presence of this golden light. And it will begin to touch those cells on the pineal gland to stimulate them, to activate them.
Pineal gland produces sacred waters that bring The brain, left hemisphere and right, out of duality and into unity. All the great seers, the great mystics, the great prophets, could move from duality to unity and see the unity in all things. We are all divinely designed with this same ability. Archangel Gabriel accelerates this.
Speeds this process with pure love, pure love, pure love. And the presence of Gabrielle is golden energy and unconditional love. The pineal gland can open the way a bud, like a rose bud, will open. Under the right conditions, the right amount of warmth, the right amount of moisture, the right time of year.
And the bud lets go and the petals emerge. Gabriel brings this perfect springtime, the perfect conditions for the next row of petals in your third eye to be released, to expand and to grow. Your higher self, your soul self, understands and knows how delicate the third eye is. Like the petals of a flower, fragile yet powerful, beautiful in their translucent colors.
opening to receive pure light. Feel the subtle petals of your third eye expanding and opening in complete safety into the exact right conditions. Gabrielle assures you, under these conditions of pure love, as your perceptions open, you will see only more love, only more of the divine plan, only more perfection.
Everything around you. Gabriel has a covenant with Creator, an agreement, that as you collaborate and work with Gabriel, you will see only more divine order, more divine love, more divine compassion, more divine mercy. You'll see only more love, even surrounding the greatest conflicts, the greatest problems around each and every one of them, an infinite sea of love.
Gabriel grants you the perception, no matter what the problem, no matter what the difficulty, no matter how severe, even catastrophic, that all will resolve into this sea of love. All will be embraced by love, enmeshed in love, comforted in love, transformed in love. Let Gabriel work with your perceptions to increase your ability to hold this perception, this vision, and more.
No matter what is occurring in the material world around you, Gabriel will work with you, continue to work with you, each and every time you call upon him, you intend those, feel Gabriel holding for you, beautiful golden light, like liquid gold flowing to your third eye, to your pineal gland, surrounding the left and right hemispheres of your brain and flowing down your spine.
Throwing down your spine, flowing from your crown to your third eye, to your throat chakra. Feel the gold filling the lavenders and violets of the third eye. Keep breathing your three part breath. Feel this gold. Feel the beautiful azure blue of your throat chakra, the beautiful gold. Feel this gold flowing into the green of your heart chakra, the green and gold in your heart, where your heart chakra is anchored in divine wisdom, divine intelligence, divine grace, divine dispensation, divine wisdom.
Feel this golden light moving into the yellow of your third chakra, third chakra, solar plexus, solar sun, Plexus power, let this gold move in, to your solar plexus, to that chakra, let that chakra become a miniature sun, a glowing sphere, a pure yellow gold light, with the love and the light and the power of divine father, provides a foundation for your heart of unshakable, unconditional love.
The divine father's love is like sunlight, shines on everyone. It doesn't make choices. It shines on every leaf, on every tree, on every blade of grass. It gives itself completely, it's energy, it's love, it's prana, it's chi, it's intention, it's deep love to support you in your growth without condition. There is no contract here, there is no agreement, there is no bill.
The sunlight gives its light and warmth, energy freely, and asks nothing. The pure energy of the Divine Father, the pure energy of the Divine Masculine, is just like the sun. Let your third chakra attune and align, and this great, great power of our sun, our sun soul, connects to the central sun, to the Divine Father, and feel the power available to support your heart.
It simply shines light and warmth and love to all that asks for nothing, that demands nothing, that gives everything. Your third chakra can do this because it is connected. There are sun and soul to the central sun to divine father, to infinite power, infinite supply. When you build this confidence in your third chakra, it can overflow.
It can let the unlimited power flow you. To those around you and your power will feel like warm spring sunshine, not threatening, not demanding the opposite of any kind of aggressive or control, just simply feeling good in this flow of life, supporting life, affirming life, giving energy, that this golden energy flow into your navel chakra.
Sacral Chakra, Orange Chakra, this is where your creativity is centered, all of your creativity, your playfulness, your engagement with others, it's where the inner child lives, let your inner child receive this unlimited flow of springtime sunshine, the everlasting, ever brilliant, ever perfect flow of love.
Let your inner child know. That she is never alone, he is never alone, that the pure love and light of Divine Father is always present like the sunshine. Let this move into the ruby red of your root chakra. The root chakra can be fully empowered, can receive the full presence of Divine Father, the solar logos, and remain completely safe and secure and steady.
See the function of the root chakra like the roots of a redwood tree. are to provide security and safety and stability that your physical body is nourished with each and everything that it needs from the earth beneath you of the minerals all of those things your physical body needs to grow and be strong to be anchored the unconditional love of divine mother this ruby red energy you can breathe in from divine mother's heart the center to your heart It gives you the confidence, the surety, the certainness that you are loved completely, unconditionally, everlastingly, exactly as you are.
Feel how that's your root, deepen it's depth, expand it's breadth, feel how steady this makes you, feel what a source of safety and security and trust you become to everyone around you. Divine Mother's love loves everyone exactly as they are in every moment. Divine Mother's love is like the rain that falls from the heavens.
The rain, the raindrops, that fall on everyone, fall on everything without condition. In this place now, with you root anchored in the love of Divine Mother, your crown anchored in the love of Divine Father, your heart receiving, in. The golden energy from heaven above, the ruby red energy from Mother Earth below, your heart can assume its place as a vessel of unconditional love as the cup that runneth over.
In this place, in this moment, we invoke our higher selves, our soul selves, into the center of this murkaba, of this circle. Invoke our higher selves, our soul selves to be present. We invoke the present day person that we are, the woman that we are today, the man that we are today, standing aside our higher self, next to our higher self, our soul self.
We invoke our guardian angel to stand to the right, higher self, present day self, guardian angel. We invite around us all of those angels, all of those masters, guides, and avatars that are committed to our evolution and unfoldment, and we feel them gather around us. We have moved through the portal of the winter solstice into the new cycle of the new year.
Releasing the Past, Embracing the New
We Portal of Christmas, the celebration of the Christ light. And we're moving into this new cycle, this new pattern of energy in 2025. And let yourself feel how fresh and how new this is. And to guide us through this portal, we invoke the angels of thankfulness, appreciation, and gratitude. These three angels work As a trio, as a triumph, to open up the portals of passage, that our soul can move through in its purest form, that we can leave behind the samskaras, the karmas, the difficult circumstances, the burdens of the past, and be reborn and renewed and refreshed.
So feel the angel of thankfulness. Opening the first of these three portals, the portal of thankfulness, she will guide us through this portal that is like a tunnel of light, it has colors like the Aurora Borealis, literally a passageway, a tunnel of love and light, feel her guide us into the entrance as you enter, leave behind anything and everything that does not Have the imprint of your future growth upon it.
This is like going through the security screening at an airport. You are excited to go to a beautiful new destination. Maybe a tropical vacation. Some place of your dreams. And some things may not pass. Leave them behind. The journey is so much bigger than old karmas, old samskaras, old wounds, old Soul baggage, leave the excess baggage behind, let the angel of thankfulness guide you into this portal.
Feel yourself moving into it. There's a kind of a swoosh feeling, a whoom feeling when you enter, then there's an acceleration. Feel the acceleration that is completely calibrated to your level of readiness, willingness, ability to let go. Let God transport you and feel yourself accelerating through this portal, the angel of thankfulness, your guardian angel, choirs of angels around us, Archangel Michael is cutting karmic cords, cutting all and serving energies, cutting, cutting, cutting at the portal entrance that they do not follow you, they shall not pass.
Feel your ability to say thank you to all old energies, all negative energies, all All difficult experiences, all dramas, all karmas. As you pass through this portal of thankfulness, the purpose of each and every action becomes clearer to you. You see that you could not have gotten here, you could not be here, without everything having happened exactly as it has.
This releases, releases, releases karma. Releases some scars, releases emotional wounds, releases traumas, when you see that this actually is your own unique and perfect pathway. Even though this pathway may have been like a labyrinth with twists and turns and reversals, people have just been immaculately designed.
To match your soul, your evolution, your past lifetimes, your future potentials. Imagine the love, the care of an entire universe, completely bent upon helping you grow from that acorn to oak tree and every moment of your life and every breath and every expression completely committed to you to produce, to reproduce whatever experiences, perceptions, loves, feelings, your soul needs to grow and to evolve.
Forgive yourself. Bring full compassion to yourself. Full mercy to yourself. Feel the Angel of Thankfulness bringing us to the next portal. Here we meet the Angel of Appreciation. The Angel of Thankfulness will be on your left. The Angel of Appreciation on your right. Deepen your three part breath. When you are ready, breathe deeply.
Let these angels guide you into the portal, this tunnel, this passageway of appreciation. As you enter the tunnel of appreciation, feel the light shift and change. Again, it's like the Aurora Borealis lights, and feel them deepening your perceptions, deepening your clarity, appreciating, genuine appreciation.
All of the immense deep work that the universe took on itself to create all of your life experiences, to hold them to you as both a mirror and as a path forward. The incredible amount of work it took from the heavenly realms to the earthly realms from the highest angels, the Elohim, the Cherubim, the Seraphim Down to the nature devas and elementals to create a reality for you on earth and this earth school, this earth academy, this earth training place.
Anything and everything necessary for your self actualization, your self realization, your soul's evolution. Feel the incredible. Patience, care and love of the universe that will recreate for you over and over again variations of the same karmic lesson until you work through it, understand it, accept it and pass forward incredible love to do this for you over and over and over with no judgment, no criticism.
Let yourself keep moving through. This tunnel, this passageway of appreciation. Feel it accelerating, these two angels working together. You are moving faster, deeper, approaching light speed. Feel you just shedding, leaving behind all of these old samskaras, these old wounds, these old traumas, these old dramas, these old negative thoughts, feelings, emotions.
This is like a great whale in the ocean, a great blue whale. That's it. Swims up with full force from the deep, the depths that breaches the surface and splashes hard upon the surface to release those barnacles, all those barnacles clinging to the whale that slow down the whale, that impede the whale, that become uncomfortable and very, very heavy.
The angels do this for you. In this passageway of appreciation, all it takes is your simple readiness, willingness, and your, yes, I will release, I will learn, I will understand, I will grow. Feel this accelerating and accelerating, shedding old karmas, old samskaras, you can feel them just simply falling away.
Remember every old wound, every old head. Karma, a real samskara, it wants to go home. It's weary from traveling on you like a barnacle on a whale. It wants to release. It wants to be complete. It wants to go back into the embrace of divine mother, into her love. These things want to let go. They don't want to cling on.
Allow yourself to be ready, willing, and able to know, to see, to understand. the point of every one of those barnacles that they can release, fall away. And you can go now into the entranceway to the portal of gratitude. The angel of gratitude is here. Mighty powerful angel, angel of thankfulness on your left, appreciation on your right, angel of gratitude before you, leading you now to the portal of gratitude.
Here is completion. Completion for all of these steps along your journey. A release of the labyrinth like structure that you had to negotiate through, making blind turns and blind guesses and experimenting and trying. The labyrinth is lifted. And there's a clear path here to your next place of evolution.
There's a clear direct path to the 2025 energetic signatures, energetic codes, energetic presence, energetic opportunity. The portal of 2 0 2 5 ready to open for you and let this passage, the tunnel of gratitude complete itself. Let gratitude have its way with you. Just mad, unfettered, completely wild gratitude for everything.
Completely non critical, non judgmental. Gratitude for everything, everything, pleasant, unpleasant, good, bad, ugly, beautiful, everything. Gratitude for everything. Wild, abandoned gratitude. Feel the power of it. It pulls away, it sucks away, it clears away any remaining barnacles for you. That would slow down, that would impede, that would limit your growth in 2025.
Let this work. Let it work like a intense car wash, if you wish. Cleaning, scrubbing, working. While you as a passenger can marvel at how powerful this car wash is. The suds, the brushes, the scrubbers. Let yourself be cleaned with no effort. Only willingness. readiness, eagerness to enter the next evolutionary version of you.
You can relax in your car, in this car washer, your karmic car. Let it be washed, let it be cleaned, let it be polished, let it be dried. Feel yourself moving through now, this passageway of gratitude and feel yourself emerging into a new morning, a new dawn, The angel of thankfulness still at your left, appreciation at your right, gratitude before you, your guardian angel with you, your higher self with you, and look at these vast vistas of opportunity for 2025.
Establishing Empowering Routines
Make note of any inspirations you are receiving, any ideas, any plans. Make whatever commitment your higher self is presenting to you right now. This might be a different way of waking up in the morning. A shift in your morning meditation or prayer, intention practice, affirmation practice. What will help you in the morning to shift?
As you awaken, just listen to your higher self and counsel. The angels and masters will pause for a few breaths. Make note that your intuition, the presence of the angels and the masters and guides
suggest shifts and changes to your morning routine, your waking routine, and whatever level is appropriate right for you, simply commit to these changes as a new practice, shift of morning activities. And seal this with just a yes of love, a very compassionate, very caring, very forgiving, very merciful yes.
It will allow you to practice the way we practice, you know, yoga or dancing. We, we make mistakes, we take missteps, we can't hold a pose. As we practice, we just become more and more adept. Take another deep breath, let this vision settle in. Namaste. A vision of yourself with this morning practice. We'll take another deep round of breaths.
And now allow yourself to see if there's any shift for your evening routine, your going to bed routine. What does your higher self want you to know? The angels, the masters, saints and sages around you, your own higher self, What will help you in the evening to enter a more deep, a more peaceful, a more restful state without anything troubling your physical body, or your energy body, or your emotional body, or your mental body?
What evening practices or routines allow your mental body to be more relaxed, steady, stable, able to better enter, more quickly enter a deep state of sleep? And remain in a deep state of rest until you awaken. Take a few more breaths. I'll let this clarify for you.
And simply hold the intention now that you will continue to be informed by your higher self, your soul self, your guardian angel, the masters, saints, sages, avatars that work with you. So that you'll continue refining your morning practice, your evening practice. I know that this so, so deeply accelerates your growth.
It removes so many karmic struggles, so many obstacles from your path. It straightens the way from a very complex, convoluted labyrinth. To perhaps erode with only a few gentle turns in it, feel how your soul is happy in this, your higher self, content, happy, even pleased, that you are listening, pay attention, that you are ready willed and able to make these small changes that will bring great rewards, that will reap great results.
And feel how your higher self shows you that. You know that as you do this, the changes you make in you ripple out like the ripples in a pond to everyone around you, to this inner circle of your soul family members, your soul family constellation, and through them to greater and greater constellations of souls.
It literally flows to the entire. Milky Way galaxy of all of those souls incarnated on earth now and soon coming. Breathe in deep, allow your guardian angel now to guide you into understanding more deeply and more completely how essential you are, how essential your soul is, how the unique frequencies, patterns, frequencies of light and of love, how the unique abilities of your mental body.
Your energy body, physical body, emotional body, can all become vessels that flow with love and light, all become the cup that runneth over. And feel all of the support for you on this, all the angels, all the masters, all in harmony with you, in concert with you, in continuous love with you. Affirm now.
Affirm, I will fully assimilate, fully integrate, fully embody all that I'm receiving with the help of Divine Mother, Father, God, the help of the angels and masters. I move forward on my soul path, filled with love and with light. I understand that my soul's mission is to bring this where it is not, to bring light where there's darkness.
Peace where there is disharmony, love where there is fear, that there is nothing wrong in the external world, nothing wrong with it, that I am part of the love of Divine Mother Father God to bring love and light into these places. In so doing, my soul grows, evolves, perfects itself, and this gift that I give to others is also a gift to myself, love.
As I increase my capacity, presence, and power to hold these high truths, again with complete compassion of the Divine Mother, complete mercy, complete grace, complete understanding of the Divine Father. Allow yourself to embrace this as a practice, knowing there will be missteps, steps forward and backwards, but your soul's commitment will move ever forward.
Stepping into Mastery
Ever truly food, this is the blessing of 2025, that in this time of great polarity, the gift of the light and love that you bring has more impact than ever before. We affirm that we are divinely designed by an all loving creator, that our five bodies are designed as vessels to be overflowing, flowing with love, flowing with light, no matter where, no matter when, no matter how.
We ask that the blessings of all, Divine Mother, Divine Father, Angels and Masters, hold us in this truth and this clarity and that we be vessels for their love and their light. As we walk upon this earth, we say Amen, Amen, Amen, Om, Om, Om. And so it is, so it is, so it is. And a great and grand welcoming into 2025, as we all move forward together, in all love and all light.
This is Christopher of Ask an Angel, looking forward to being with you again soon. Amen and Om.