Calling upon Angels is a practice that spans all major spiritual traditions and has proven itself effective for thousands of years. Today huge numbers of people are rediscovering the full power of having the proverbial “Angel in their corner.”

Awareness Invocation

Beloved and blessed Angels, holy and sacred Angels, be with me here.
Angel of Awareness be with me, all Angels, be with me.

Beloved and blessed be with me. Holy and sacred Angels bless this place.
I call upon you to bring your message of love and Inspiration to us now.

I call upon all angels to support and surround me in love,
in generosity of spirit, generosity of kindness, of transformation, of new awareness.

Blessed Angels, help me to be receptive.

Want an Angel Invocation just for YOU?

angel of awareness invocation askanangelHave an Angel Invocation Created for you:

Christopher will create an Angel Invocation uniquely for you to read at your special occasion. Contact us for details on his reasonable rates. Also, please join our thriving Facebook community here.

“The Angel Invocation Christopher sent me for my birthday was in many ways the best gift I’ve received. The insight and care in the invocation touched my heart deeply and the words were a perfect blessing for my life right now. The Angel blessings carried through an amazing birthday celebration that lasted all weekend, but there’s no need to stop there. I’m going to receive those blessings for the rest of my life!”
-A. George

“When you call upon Angels we do not come from somewhere else to be with you; we are present with you always and eternally. It is not really the way it is represented in paintings of Angels descending from heaven to you. When you call upon us, what is really happening is that you are calling upon your own awareness, perceptions, and consciousness to be receptive to us. Be aware that your level of belief in us does not determine our willingness or our power to work with you. Even if you have only a glimmering of belief, if you ask for help you shall receive it.”
-The Archangels