42-peacePhoto of Angel Kaeylarae The Angel of Peace by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Angel Kaeylarae (Kay-la-ray) is the angel of peace. From her bosom springs the gifts of patience and self-love which are the essence of peace. When you deeply love yourself, you cannot feel distressed or impatient. It is only in those moments when self-acceptance and love slip away that irritation and turmoil find a place within. Angel Kaeylarae has come to help you resolve the paradoxes of this world to admit peace to your troubled soul. This world is founded upon duality and until you are able to reconcile this duality, you will only catch a fleeting glimpse of peace. The greatest paradox is that peace is the natural state of the Heavens, but not the material world.

Making peace with yourself opens the door for Angel Kaeylarae to enter your life. Irritated, resentful or judgmental feelings close the door. The angels cannot come until you are quiet enough to hear their voices. It is your task to remove the ugliness and discord from your life so that waves of peace will spread through the waters of your world to touch the hearts of all you love.

Choose new behaviors that help you consciously align with peace rather than fall victim to unconscious habits. When you feel irritated or impatient, pretend that you are an observer. Feel the other person’s position and ask her or his Guardian Angel for help. Look for humor and ask Kaeylarae to show you other options rather than being stuck in your position. If you are waiting, retrain yourself to use this time to pray. Expand your field of awareness by stretching to connect with the Eternal Selves of others and angels in the area. When you are open, it only takes a moment to receive the vision of a new project, or clarity on an existing one.

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry