13 LovePhoto of Archangel Hadraniel by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Eternal love alone satisfies the need of the soul. Hadraniel’s mission is to awaken your memory of this love. When experienced passionately, the three Ascension Attitudes of love, gratitude, and surrender become an invincible force for healing.

Ask Hadraniel to help you become aware of any fear that prevents you from receiving love. If necessary, cry your heart out over the pain of life. When you feel deeply enough, your heart will break open. In those precious moments, place your attention on love for God. A deep and consuming love is on the other side of pain. If you have courage and a passionate desire to find God, your pain will turn into ecstasy when you meet the Divine. One way is through a surge of Transformational Energy that enters your body. This hot energy moves through you, burning away all that blocks you from the flow of love.

Love creates the greatest source of energy. Experience the power of anger, fear, and resentment in the privacy of a safe place, continuing to work through them until they transform into love. As your heart opens to God, you will feel freed from fear. You will discover a new level of self-love.

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry