29 AwakeningPhoto of Angel Remliel The Angel of Awakening by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

SLEEPERS AWAKE! Each of us has a different concept of what it means to be awakened. The essence of what we all seek is divine love and freedom from pain and suffering. Angel Remliel is the angelic awakener whose goal is to bring you to God-consciousness and union with your Eternal Self. Angel Remliel supplies whatever you need to fight the battle between light and illusion, the flesh and the spirit. As you awaken to the wealth of feeling and wisdom within, a mighty surge of passion reveals your Divine Plan. Feelings of love, sensuality, gratitude and joy are revived with such intensity that your previous consciousness would not have thought it possible.

The words awakening, awareness and enlightenment provide a clue to this experience if you consider their opposites. Somewhere in human history, we were taught to deny our ability to know what is happening within and around us. In pretending to be asleep, unaware and ignorant for such a long time, we lost the memory of our true existence. It is now considered impolite to hurt another’s feelings with directness, even when honesty could heal the situation. Instead, we pretend not to notice, or walk away from opportunities to reunite in love and understanding.

Awakening begins with noticing more of what you normally ignore. The process of denial happens so quickly that it is difficult to interrupt at first. It is that imperceptible flash of feeling you override with a more acceptable thought, the burst of inspiration you judge to be foolish, the presence ofgreatness your unworthiness will not allow you to receive and the true feeling of dislike that guilt shames you to nullify. The mind would have you believe that awakening comes from what you know, but this is not a journey through the mind. When feelings of doubt and distrust surface, acknowledge them. See if they are true insights or past limitations exposing themselves for transformation.

As you emerge into the light, Angel Remliel directs the stretching and expanding of your mental body so that its currents and frequencies are all turned Godward. As illusions are removed, a new awareness may enter. Being awakened means that you see and feel everything, good and bad, with “a crystal clear, intense awareness … that penetrates all details of creation.”

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry