30 FaithPhoto of Angel Uzziel Angel of Faith by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Angel Uzziel means the “strength of God” that manifests the gift of God’s essence and the power of faith in your life. When you invite Uzziel to touch you with faith, your spiritual growth is accelerated and peace fills your heart. Faith works in a realm beyond human understanding and reason. It takes a tremendous faith to enable you to transcend your mind and connect with Eternal knowing. Ask Uzziel to teach you to ignite the Ascension Attitudes of Love, Surrender and Gratitude, becoming the dynamic vibration which magnetically attracts Spirit making possible a union between you and God.

Faith is an inner knowing that inspires you to be conscientious, accurate and true. Its powerful energy decreases with inertia and increases through right action. Rather than an external thought, true faith is found deep within your being, guiding your actions and feelings toward the desired outcome. The angels protect us through our faith by distracting or changing the perception of others who would harm us, creating an atmosphere free of worry, anxiety, doubt and fear.

The faith that you can be one with God is the magnetic power that will draw you into union with your Eternal Self. The power of faith is available to everyone, but few are willing to use it consciously. Call Angel Uzziel to fill you, arousing the hunger which refuses to be satisfied by anything less than the personal realization of the living God.

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry