23 WisdomPhoto of Angel Zagzagel the Angel of Wisdom by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Angel Zagzagel is the angel of wisdom who appeared to Moses in the burning bush. Angel Zagzagel teaches us how to listen and see inwardly. Wisdom is the result of searching deep within for truth. Many of us are too busy with outward activities, too concerned about the opinions of others, and too filled with the clutter of the media to be able to venture inward.

To access wisdom, quiet your mind and learn to listen. This may be difficult at first as turbulent feelings and thoughts may torment you. Pray for help and offer your confusion upon the altar of your heart. As you sincerely practice, equilibrium will gently replace your agitation. Peace, the door to your inner wisdom center, will gradually grow and develop into your secret place of the Most High. From there you can at last be guided by your Eternal Self.

You are filled with an unimaginable ecstasy. Gratitude wells up so powerfully in you that it becomes the raft to carry you Home. God comes in a personal way that you recognize without doubt. Your questions are answered. You see people through the eyes of love and compassion as you recognize God in everyone and everything. Your search within has been worth it. No price would have been too high for the rewards of this union with God.

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry