
The Full Moon occurring while the Sun is in the constellation of Virgo will happen on Monday, September 8 at 6:39 pm PDT. On Sunday night, September 7 from 7 to 9 pm, we will be coming together in a Full Moon Ceremony at the Goddess Temple of Orange County to prepare for and to work with these energies in meditation and ceremony.

Please join us in person or in spirit!

The actual timing of this Full Moon occurs in the complementary opposite sign of Pisces. That is also a powerful governing energy. The key concept of Virgo is giving birth to your Divine Self and the Divine within your life. In the Theosophical Tradition, it is expressed as “I Am the Mother / Parent and Child. I Am Divine Source and Matter.” The key concept around Pisces is spiritually dying to your old way of being to make way for a new way of being. “I leave the Home of Divine Source and Turning Back, I Save.”

You can see how these are both intrinsically related. Our Ceremony
We will be hosting a ceremony to consciously work with our Spiritual Guidance and the incoming Full Moon Energies. Honoring the traditions of Theosophy, Spiritualism and Shamanism, our full moon ceremony will:
• Help you understand the nature of the Virgo / Pisces Full Moon
• Give you a mini-reading of its significance to you / your chart
• Enhance your ability to connect with your Spiritual Guidance
• Provide you with a deep meditation to receive and work with the Full Moon Energies Why Full Moons Are So Important
The Full Moons are times when the maximum amount of light within a constellation (the normal light from the sun and the largest reflection of the full moon) are hitting the earth. The Sun’s energy that radiates outward is under the influence of a particular constellation each month. And the position of the moon at the exact time it is full and (therefore reflecting the most light of the sun) determines the combined governing influence of that particular full moon. It is always opposite / complementary to the Sun. In accordance with Natural Law, light amplifies whatever it hits, so it is up to us to work consciously with these energies and co-create that which we intend for our highest good… Or the energies will simply ricochet around in our lives and amplify “whatever” they hit. Just ask anyone who works in a police station, hospital, mental institution, school, restaurant, spiritual practice or with a large population—and they will tell you what they observe every full moon. The truth that I know is that you can evolve by design or by default—and the choice is up to you! I choose to evolve by design—i.e.: conscious intention—rather than letting the world at large design my intention by my “defaulting” or entraining to a prevailing consciousness that doesn’t reflect my intention.

How This Full Moon Affects You – Get a Quick Chart
It is a good thing to know where Virgo and Pisces are in your astrological chart, so that you know what areas are being activated by these energies in your life.

Go to and select the “Chart Drawing, Ascendant” to create a simple sheet that shows your chart, signs and planets. Please bring it to the ceremony or study it by yourself. For example… I have Virgo in Pluto (sex, death, rebirth, destruction, resurrection, transformation) in its native sixth house, the house of health and habit. Therefore, this is a great time to transform to submit myself to the discipline of Virgo to transform myself, my health and my life with healthy habits.

I also have Pisces in 29+ degrees (right on the cusp with Aries) for my Ascendant, which is the way that I present myself to the world. So this is a time where I can change how I present myself and my spirituality to the world.

Virgo Energies
The Virgo Full Moon is about giving birth to (manifesting) a new level of consciousness within yourself and your life. This is often referred to as “Christos” consciousness, or Divine Consciousness. Words sometimes don’t go exactly where the true meaning is, but they give us powerful clues. The term “Christos” means “anointed,” so this is a level of consciousness that is anointed (sanctioned and/or infused) by the Divine Source. Virgo represents the energy of Divine Feminine expressed as Virgin Mother—i.e.: giving birth to something for the first time. So new births, re-births at a new level, new beginnings and new experiences that are sacred or meaningful to you are things that occur around this full moon and are supported and facilitated by its energies.

It’s important to remember that the semi-Divine Beings in every culture and religion were all born to Virgin Mothers. If the Being is half-human and half-Divine, then the mother must have only had union with the Divine to give birth. Ergo, she must be a virgin. This is important to remember as we are infused with Spirit to give birth to a new way of being and a new way of living for ourselves.

Virgo governs the sixth house, which is the House of Health and Habit. Divine Feminine represents the ability to receive, so this is an auspicious time to receive healing and to start new habits or regimens around diet, health and healing. Pisces Energies
The timing of the day during which this full moon happens places it under the auspices of the sign of Pisces, which is around spirituality, service and sacrifice. Try to get beyond the traditional meaning of sacrifice. Remember that “sacre” and “facire” (which are the Latin roots for sacrifice) mean “to make sacred,” so consider the concepts of serving others, yourself and your life in ways that make it more sacred and meaningful at a higher vibration.

Pisces is the last sign before Aries, the Resurrection Moon that starts the Astrological year. So it is about dying to your old way of being so that you can be resurrected anew.

A Powerful Dichotomy
It’s an interesting dichotomy of energies, because Virgo is an Earth Sign and more inner directed, which means that it is about pragmatically manifesting things in physical reality based on inner evolution. Whereas Pisces is very mystical and transcendent, more outwardly directed to connecting with and serving others at a spiritual level. Virgo is more about physically directing personal intention, Pisces is more about allowing Divine Intention. The truth that I know is that both are part of the spiritual path. I believe where they both meet is at the point of “inner evolution manifesting outwardly.” If we move beyond the traditional concept of “Virgin” to a larger perspective, then we understand the concept that a Virgin is untouched by physical–in that the journey of Virgo is an inner path that is solitary. It is Spirit that touches us on a deeply personal, inner level that “quickens” a seed of something within us… whether it be Love, Life. Power, Light or whatever it is that fulfills us and evolves us further on the Path. We gestate it and then give birth to it in our lives in Divine Timing. The truth that I know is that Matter always serves Spirit. It is self-evident when we consider reincarnation / re-birth. Lifetime after lifetime, the flesh (Matter) always serves the evolution of the Spirit. So this is a great time to contemplate how your body and your life are serving your Spirit… and the Spirit of others and the World. What This Means To You
• At a grounded body level, this is a very auspicious time to start a healthy diet, an exercise routine or a set of healthy practices that pamper your body and Spirit.
• At an emotional / relationship level, this is a wonderful time to take relationships to a newer, healthy, more conscious level.
• At a mental level, this is a great time for “contemplation” (to go within the temple) to achieve higher insights and gain answers to questions you have been asking.
• At a Spiritual level, this is a wonderful time to connect with Spirit on the inner planes—your Guides, Masters, Angels, Loved Ones in Spirit, as well as Mother Earth. Or to take your Spiritual Practice to a new level. If you are considering a change of career or lifestyle, this is a very advantageous time to ponder or envision what your life could be. If you do, you will likely find that the Universe is already providing resources to manifest that in 3rd dimension, so that you can start that new life right now. The Shadow Side
The Shadow side of this Virgo full moon is feeling “stuck” in the energies of stagnation, helpless and hopeless for any change. The shadow side of the Piscean energies can be getting lost in your spirituality, lost in the past, or lost in trying to shift your consciousness in ways that don’t serve your highest good, like addiction or alcohol and drug abuse.

Overall, that is unlikely to happen—or to continue for long if it does. If you have been feeling stuck in any of these energies or in your life, this full moon is a powerful catalyst to get you moving forward.

The truth that I know is that moving forward at a personal level is often the best way to serve the highest good of all. When I studied with the Dalai Lama, he talked about how powerful it was to seek your own enlightenment first, so that you could more fully serve others. Kind of like they tell you in airplane emergencies to put on your own oxygen mask first, so that you can help others. This is the essence of the Bodhisattva Vows… and I believe that it perfectly encapsulates the dichotomy of the Virgo and Piscean energies of this full moon. The Meaning Within The Kaballah
On a final note… from a Kaballah / Tree of Life perspective, Virgo is around giving birth to Beauty in your life. And yet at the same time Binah (Divine Mother) is the Mother of All Sorrows—because everything that is given birth to (manifested) must inevitably die (Pisces). This reflects the Impermanence within this world that was spoken of by Siddhartha Guatama, The Buddha. In the Eastern traditions, Renunciation is the equivalent of the “death” of Crucifixion, which precedes the Osirian / Egyptian Fourth Initiation of Resurrection. So Virgo and Pisces reflect both sides—the inevitable death of the old way of being to make way for birth of a new way of being. In the Kaballah, Beauty is the Virtue of the Temple (Sephiroth) of Tiphareth, which represents the Sacred Heart. The key to that temple is Unconditional Love. That which we love is always beautiful to our eyes. And we love that which holds beauty for us. So this is a time to appreciate and attract to us that which we love and find beauty in… and give birth to it in our physical reality.

May you enjoy a wonderful month of allowing that which no longer serves you to pass, to make room for manifesting new beginnings, growth, love and beauty! Many Blessings, Lisa Lisa Lockhart
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