26 FirePhoto of Gift of God Nathaniel by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Nathaniel means “gift of God.” He is lord over the element of fire, a powerful gift from God. Nathaniel transfers the fire aspect of divinity to our world where it transforms consciousness from the limited self to the Eternal Self. Your body thus regenerates by burning away misconceptions that would have you believe you are separate from God. You may experience this fire of transformation as body heat or an intense energy during periods of deep meditation and desire for change.

Commitment to the Light activates Nathaniel’s Amfri angels to hover over you with the fire of soul love. Their job is to help you burn away everything that weighs you down, or tries to control the flow of energy in your body. They are constantly watching for spiritual fires of aspiration. During those precious moments when your fervency ignites your desire for love and light into a flame bright enough for the Amfri to detect, you have the opportunity for liberation from your imprisonment in illusion. This yearning and devotion can only be inflamed through your feelings and results in sensations that are tingly, jumpy, energetic. Welcome this electrical energy and allow it to move your body.

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry