27-divine-planPhoto of The Divine Plan Micah by Angel Blessing – Kimberly Marooney

Divine Plan Micah watches over spiritual evolution, seeking every opportunity to reveal the next steps of your life purpose. This lifetime represents only a small part of your Divine Plan, which directs you through many specific experiences to become everything you were intended to be. When at last you release enough emotional baggage to feel your purpose, you realize that it is what you wanted all along. Everything you do, think, say, feel, experience and desire is recorded as your complete life history in the Akashic Records. Prior to each embodiment, the Kindel Angel who is in charge of your entire evolution meets with you to discuss the needs, desires and karmic consequences of your next lifetime. The Kindel then forms your Incarnation Disc, holding information about your destiny—important people you will meet, major events such as crises of spiritual consequence, health issues including the duration of your life, and karmic indebtedness that remains to be worked out. This disc made of mental substance is placed in your mental body in the proximity of your heart.

Your Divine Plan may reveal a new perspective on your present career or introduce something entirely different. You may find a new perspective on your career. A person in the healing arts may feel a deep level of love and compassion for patients where before there was emotional distance. A teacher may help children express their feelings and fears productively in addition to the usual curriculum. Grocery checkers can give the gift of love to those they serve. Many tasks allow the opportunity for deep prayer. While you work say, “Take me into my destiny!” What you do is not as important as how you do it.

Learn more @ The Angel Ministry