The Angel Guided Life Workshop: Creating Lasting Love and Abundance…

Angel Guided Life workshop - ask an angel

For upcoming dates & times for live events, click here.

To reserve your place in an upcoming teleclass reservations, click here.

  • LEARN what your Angels want you to know right now
  • PARTNER with your Angels to strengthen your creative powers
  • ALLOW your Angels to help you express your gifts
  • CONNECT deeply with the healing power of Angelic love

Experience your Angels giving you guidance, support, assistance and greater clarity about your gifts and how to express them in your life. Your Angels know you intimately and understand how to guide you to bring the qualities of your soul – your innate gifts – into full, loving expression. When you truly express the gifts of your soul, Joy, Love and Abundance flow to you in natural accord.

Join this Angel Circle and let your Angels strengthen and clarify your ability to sense and follow their guidance.

If you’d like more information about this or other events on connecting with particular Angels or Archangels, please contact us or schedule Christopher  for an event today!